Monday 6 May 2013

Bejeweled jacket

I bought this pattern from blank slate patterns for my boys but did not have any fabric lying around for them so made one for my littlest first. We love it, her and me, when she gets it on she won't take it off until it is dirty. Unfortunately I don't have any photo's of her in it (I keep losing my camera argh!). It is a mighty cute pattern and I will definitely be making it for the boys so stay tuned. 

Oh and I just have to show you what was left on the bobbin at the end of construction...

Here are the buttons. Have you ever seen the like. I think they are what made it a perfect jacket in my daughters opinion. Everyone who has seen her in the jacket has been shown the buttons :-).

And I was also told that this button was essential to complete the jacket, it does look like a badge and makes her oh so happy.

Can you see our lining? Flannelette to keep us cozy this winter. 

Those perfect curves on the bottom...

Oh and for the first time I have made welt pockets. Not as bad as I was expecting. Definitely looks the goods.

So there you have it our new jacket. I have mostly stopped buying patterns at the moment except when it is something very complicated or I haven't made it before. This was in the second category and I am now looking forward to a little experimentation.

Oh and with the little bit of fabric we had left over. We got a new doll, one that wee's so was in need of new nappies. Ones that are not disposable. As soon as the doll redressed she is given more to drink, we went through all of the nappies in just a couple of days and then I came across this tutorial so now our doll is blessed with her own nappies.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing jacket! Well done with the nappy it looks great and thanks for showing me, I love seeing that my tutorials are being used.
